All Things Are Possible with God: Have a Blessed Life When You Keep Jesus on Your Throne!

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is 
impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
-Mark 10:27

We are blessed when we know that all things are possible with God! With man what is impossible, is not with God!  Humans can never compare to God! God is our only hope. Humans will always disappoint and hurt. God never will! We need to always remember that God can make what seems humanly impossible, possible. God is God, He can do anything over the limits of man. Joel Osteen had a nice prayer about this Bible verse today I wanted to share. We are blessed when we realize that God is capable of doing anything for us that man is unable to do. He is our healer, our life bread, our hope, and life eternal, when we put all our trust and faith in God alone! Jesus I trust in you to continue giving me a wonderful life filled with the Holy Spirit to make a real difference in this world! I pray Jesus gives me a long healthy life to be a good spouse, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, friend, colleague, and human being to do His will in this world, to fulfill His plan and purpose for my life for Him alone!  Hope you enjoy the prayer! 

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for being on Your throne, for reigning as sovereign over my health, my finances, my family, and my circumstances. There are things in my life that I want to see changed that seem unchangeable, but I trust You to override them. The throne of my life is reserved for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
