Blessed by God's Teachings and Commandments, For They Will Prolong My Life Filled with Much Peace and Prosperity!

Admonition to Trust and Honor God

My child, do not forget my teachings,
but let your heart keep my commandments;
for length of days and years of life
and abundant welfare and peace will they give you. 

-Proverbs 3:1-2

I really liked this Bible reading today! It was in one of my books I read each day. I love trying to get some Bible in each day! God's teachings and His commandments are all we need to be successful and have much peace! The problem today is so many people forget about God altogether. They do not practice His commandments or follow his teachings, they stray, it is obvious today as we see all the elected, so called leaders, and billionaires, they have all strayed! They are not following God's teachings and commandments at all! You see so much greed, corruption, fraud, selfishness, power grabs, mediocrity today from all of them. They have forgotten about God and they no longer honor Him! This is one of the biggest problems of today in our society. That is why we are hurting so much! So many have sold their souls to the devil, become slaves of satan himself and forgotten about humanity as a whole. How sad! We all need to follow God's Teachings, respect and adhere to His commandments, and be people of good will! We are blessed when we do these things, but so many are cursed because they won't. They have let this carnal material world become their obsession, being more like Jacob instead of Israel. They do not allow the Holy Spirit to live in them and be in Spirit with God! We are blessed when we do. Please pray for our world and people! That we can all come closer to God, receive His Holy Spirit, live with this joy, and respect and follow God's teachings and commandments so the entire world prospers. 
