Blessed Stories of Conversions to Jesus Christ!


Paul The Apostle (Saint Paul) | Full Movie on GodTube

Last night we watched the movie Ben-Hur on Univision. Today we put this movie on about St. Paul and his life and conversion. He was named Saul originally and did a lot of bad things killing Christians until Jesus came over him and changed and converted him to Paul and a better person. I pray Jesus can do this to all of us, convert us all to good Christian people doing God's will. May Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father remove all demons and evil from all of humanity for the good of the entire world.  In both movies there is conversion. There is change and people becoming better people, changing, becoming holy and good. Forgiving, changing, and turning themselves over to God! This is what we need today in our society! We need conversion in this world of all people finding God like Judah Ben-Hur and Saul did to become disciples for our Lord. Both lived in the times of Jesus Christ, although the story of Ben-Hur is supposedly fictional and based on a book from 1880 and then made into some movies.  They show conversion, love, and forgiveness, all what Jesus wants of all of us today and always. These two stories are both miracles from God and His intervention in our lives for the good of humanity.  I pray we all as God's children can convert to Christianity and be good people of good will for God and humanity as a whole. We need this for our world and all of God's people. Conversion can be such a blessing and even a miracle like it was for Paul and Judah Ben-Hur!  
