Praying for Our Country, World, and all The Evil and People Who Have Become Slaves of Satan!


Praying is the greatest thing we can do in these hard times! We see so much evil all around us!  People killing others with guns and words. People murdering unborn babies who have no voice or say in the matter. Corrupt and evil politicians, elected, so called leaders, and billionaires who try to rule the world with evil, wickedness, greed, corruption, fraud, greed, selfishness, and power, hurting other people and destroying the Earth God gave to all of us. So many today have become slaves of satan! They have sold their souls to the devil. They forget that unborn babies have souls, and when they abort them, they kill a life of God. Our country and world need a lot of prayers. Especially, they elected and so called leaders, they cause so much division and anxiety in people to do so much harm. We need to pray, we need to forgive, we need to move forward in love! Today some young people cut me off while driving down the road and were very aggressive driving next to me. I just let them go, I made the sign of the cross and said the Our Father, Hail Mary, and St. Michael the Archangel prayers praying that the devil come out of them and they do not cause any harm or hurt to anyone else. I did not react or honk, or be aggressive like they were.  I just prayed for them that the evil come out of them and they be better people. That is the most we can do to help fight evil. We have a lot of it today. Too much hate, aggression, and evil. For what? The greed and selfishness are a real problem in our world today. We have to react with love, peace, and prayer! We have to pray daily for world peace, for all evil to be rooted out, for good to prevail over evil, that God and good will triumph over evil. It say sit will in the Bible, so we must believe it. Prayer works and we all need to pray more if we are going to defeat all the evil of satan and all who have allowed the devil to possess them and take over hurting the world and others. Laws are for everyone, we need more law and order and more people respecting each other and the world as a whole. Please pray for an end to evil, that the devil will be removed from all who become possessed, that good will triumph over evil and wickedness and that Jesus comes again to restore peace and harmony to our world! We are truly blessed when we pray! The world needs our prayer today more than ever! 


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