Unborn Lives Matter!


I have been praying for many years for an end to abortion! It saddens me so to see our society allow the murder/killing of unborn innocent, voiceless, helpless babies, human beings with souls from God! How can we take their lives and think this is fine in our so called civilized and humane world we live in? Or is it? I believe that unborn lives matter! All lives! We should not be allowing people to kill another human being inside of someone. It says a lot about us as a society. I saw this sticker on a car the other day and it made me think, all these people that support abortions and want this killing of innocent babies, yet they are the same people who support no-kill animal rescue. They do not want us to kill animals and are all for saving rescue animals, but then it is fine to murder a human being with an abortion, taking the life of a soul, a God given life. It seems so hypocritical and has no logic. Even the same group supports not having the death penalty, but it is fine to kill an innocent life inside of someone. I feel that unborn human lives matter too! We need to stop this grotesque action of performing abortions in the USA and around the world. It is  an abomination to humanity. We need to be halos and angels for the unborn, fighting to end this brutality in our society. I say the Bishop Sheen Pro Life Prayer daily to end abortions. I hope some day we will all realize how inhumane killing baby souls unborn inside the womb really is.  Abortion kills a person! Human rights begin in the womb! Children are a blessing from God!   Unborn lives matter! 
