Blessed in Life When We Have Good Character!


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

-Romans 12:21

As human beings we need to overcome evil with good! Even if someone does you wrong, talks bad about you, hurts you, forgive them, love them, and overcome all evil with good. God has got this and He will make all right. All we need to do is live with a good character. To be holy, saintly, upright, godly, be people of good will. That is what God wants of us. He will fight our battles, we do not need to. Two wrongs do not make a right, we need to overcome evil with good. Today we see a lot of evil, even from our elected and so called leaders, they do a lot of bad things and hurt so many, all because of greed, selfishness, and and incompetence. We need to not settle for mediocrity, strive for quality and excellence although today we so much contrary to this. We must be above all the bad, wicked, evil of today. It is all about having a good character in life, a positive attitude, and doing what is right like Jesus Christ has taught us. We are more blessed when we think and live this way, no matter what.  Yesterday I saw the lady again, an older lady asking for money by Publix, she was like my mother, I saw her at Winn Dixie on Friday, I said to myself if I see her again, I will give her $20, I saw her yesterday and talked to her, her name is Stella, I told her I would pray for her and said I hope this helps, she was a very nice and simple person. I felt bad for her, it must be hard to stoop to the level of begging for money for help, I feel bad for her and told her I would pray for her and I will each day. Each day I want to do good for others.   Joel Osteen had a nice prayer today about this so I am sharing below. Have a blessed day and be a person of good will and excellent character! 

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that in every way possible, Jesus overcame evil by doing good. Thank You for giving me the grace to overcome evil by doing good as well. Help me to bless those who have done me wrong, to leave them in Your hands, and to believe that You are taking me to new levels. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
