Blessed When We Trust in God, When We Have Faith the Potatoes Will Grow as God is in Control!


Faith Like Potatoes Full Movie on GodTube

I love this movie! I started watching it on the Positive Channel the other morning until it went out. I found it on GodTube above, it is in several parts, but keeps going through the entire movie. One of the best movies I have seen in a while! Love the scenes in South Africa. Love the discovery of Jesus this father experienced and His true story leading to discipleship and evangelism.  He prayed and His prayers were answered! Even able to save a life of someone who had died! It is a miracle! But he said it was God that did it, he knew it was God. He always gave God the credit, like we all should do. The movie is from a book by Angus Buchan and is based on a true story from what I understand, so it makes it even nicer, I love non-fiction. How hard is it to believe in God now! Trust in Him? God is the one who is the miracle maker in this world! Bottom line, we need to trust in God! Live our lives with God controlling all, letting Him lead us, tell us what to do, guide and instruct us and believe that God has the best plan for all as we go through this Earth School. We need to turn it all over to Him! It is hard to do, but we need to have faith, trust in God, know His will be done! We all need to turn over control to Him and we are more blessed for it if we do! 
