We are More Blessed, Happier, and Successful When we can Think For Ourselves!


An educated man thinks for himself.

-Alan Simpson

We are more blessed when we can think for ourselves and use our own minds, experiences, faith, and morals/principles to make decisions and do the right things in our lives and for our futures. Many people have talked about this over the years as can be seen in the quotes here! Today so many people conform to pop culture. They give in to whatever the latest fade or new thing is, whether the latest iPhone, getting tattoos, using social media, wearing certain clothes and apparel, etc. Many people cannot think for themselves, they just fall trap to the pop culture latest things to do or get to fit in. We are very insecure as a society today. We allow and become consumed by material and carnal worldly things instead of Godly, Spirit-filled things that matter. We forget where we are going, we let this Earthly world dictate our decisions, instead of making the main goal in our lives living an upright Godly life so to get into Heaven and spend eternity with God which ultimately is the most important thing to do. People need to be taught to be problem solvers and to think for themselves, our government should not be influencing us so much, instead educate yourselves to think for yourself and become the best person possible you can be to make this world a better place while making it your goal in life to live a godly upright life so to spend eternity with God in Heaven, this is the greatest blessing! 


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