We Cannot Live Without God's Grace!

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be 
gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

 -Numbers 6:24-26

We are truly blessed when we trust in the Lord! When we follow His teachings and commandments! We cannot live without the grace of God! We need God in our lives! I love this Bible verse, great reminder and prayer for all of us!  This is the problem today, many lack God and religion. They don't care, they become selfish, greedy, and think it is okay to hurt others or sin and it won't hurt others. We need law and order for a reason, it makes our world run better and when we have respect and common rule where all live by the same rules, things work out better for all people. Today, we live in a chaotic and lawless society, the so called leaders do nothing and are greedy and corrupt and it has trickled down to common man, rules and laws are for everyone else, but not me, he will stop so I do not have to. This is the big problem today, so many people do not care, they are selfish, in their own worlds, greedy, and take and take without giving. They lack God and following His teachings and commands, we have regressed to evil and wicked times where fraud, greed, corruption, selfishness, and mediocrity are the norm. Crime is through the roof and many people just do not care, becoming complacent, apathetic, and indifferent, we even see this in our people of the Clothe and so called leaders, elected, and billionaires who put profits over people, treating most people like consumers and look at them as dollar signs and a number, not a human soul from God. We need to value all life, even life in the womb, unborn lives matter too, they are souls created by God, we need to value all life and stop abortions and the death penalty. We need overall better values in our country and world. God is the answer! He has given us blessings, He gave us a soul, breathed life in us and wants us to know Him, we cannot live without the grace of God in our lives, so many people forget this, but we can't and until we all realize this. If you want peace in your life, turn it all over to God, know we cannot live without His grace and presence in our lives! We are more blessed when we know this! 
