Blessed By God's Love of Mathematics in All He Created!


God used and created mathematics in all He did creating this world we live in! Truly amazing! Math is in all things! God loved math and most famous mathematicians also recognized God! Here there are many wonderful quotes by many famous mathematicians from around the world who spoke of God and His wonderful mathematical works in all! It is so nice to see people of mathematics and the sciences see and believe in God! What a blessing! It is nice to see this quote by Blaise Pascal about man without God is in total ignorance and inevitable misery. How true! We need God! Many mathematicians even realized this too! I love Albert Einstein quotes and he also spoke of God often in many of his quotes which is so nice and refreshing to see!  How wonderful to see all of this! God made math simple, when we realize and we really are more blessed when we see that all things to add up to God! When we live with God, have complete focus and dedication to Him, our lives are so much more meaningful and filled with purpose! We are blessed by the math God! 
