Blessed When We Can Always Focus On Being Victors and Not Victims!


See A Victory By Elevation Worship on GodTube

I love this song! It is a great reminder that we need to always know and see the victory in Christ and know God will always make all work out for our good and is fighting all our battles! He will see us in victory in all we do. We never need to fall for being victims or settles for less and play the victim card ever in our lives. Many people settle for this or stoop to this level, but we do not need to in Christ! With great faith and trust in God He will see us through any setback, challenge, issue, problem, or frustration, we will. Don't look for pity, don't act like you are a victim, God knows what is best for you! He will get you though anything and see the victory in all you do! We are more blessed when we live our lives as victors and not victims, learn from it and know God created us in His image, we are royalty, children of a King, and He will make all victorious in Him when we put all of our faith and trust in Him! What a victory blessing! See a victory in everything in life! 
