Blessed When We Pray to God and Become Dependent on Him!


“Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude - an attitude of dependency, dependency upon God.”

-- Arthur W. Pink

We need God! I always see a sign around the county here where I live, a yellow one and it says, "Turn to Jesus." I think this is so true! We all need God! However, many do not want to accept this or accept our Lord and Savior! Arthur Pink sums it up well here in his quote, about prayer and God, we need to have an attitude of prayer showing our dependence on God! God wants us to lean on Him, to depend on Him! We need Him! We need to be cognizant of this! We need to live our lives in prayer, asking for God's guidance, instruction, having Him lead us, and realize that what is important is His will be done, not ours. WE are more blessed when we pray to God and have an attitude of dependence on God. 
