Blessed When We Sweetly Acquiesce in God’s Will for Our Lives, He Knows Best!

 We should sweetly acquiesce in God’s will, in faith that whatever 
He permits in our life is right and best for us. 

⏤ J.R. Miller

I love this quote! I saw it in my Morning Prayers app! So so nice! A great reminder that God's wisdom is better than ours, we need not rely on ours as much as His! We need to ask Him to instruct us, guide us, lead us each day and also live by His will be done! He knows what is best for us more than we do! Find refuge in God! Do not become consumed by this world and the material and carnal things here, we need to make it our goal to want to spend eternity in Heaven with God and we are more blessed when we do His will in our lives. 
