Blessed When We Work to be Heirs of Heaven!


There is not a soul in Hell but knows that it was a mad exchange to forfeit
 Heaven for a little mirth, or fleshly pleasure, or worldly riches or honor.

 ⏤ Richard Baxter

What a powerful quote! I get these prayers and quotes from the Morning app that offers a prayer each day. They are very nice! This one is a good reminder about where our priorities should be in life! We need to make the aim and goal of our lives to get into Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus Christ! We need to learn not to be consumed or in life with this world or its material and carnal pleasures, Heaven and spending eternity with God is what is more important! Unfortunately, the majority of our elected in our country, some so called leaders, and others have fallen to the slavery of the devil and become consumed by this world, the money, fame, riches, honor, and fleshly desires that will not help them to enter into the gates offered by God! The devil tricks so many, he is a liar and deceives, be careful, on the Key of David Today, the guy said that the devil still has his kingdom here on earth and is looking for souls, he wants to take more and more with him. We need to be careful not to take his mark and become a slave to Lucifer, Heaven should be our main goal and objective in life, not fleshly pleasures, riches, and honor on this Earth School. We need to be careful! We are more blessed when we live for God, not satan! 
