Finding Peace in My Happy Place on This Earth School!
This week started the first week of classes. Back to class for all! It is a busy time, but I still want to find time to go to the beach! It has been really lovely the past few weeks! Very swimmable, and clean, and clear, just so nice! God is great! Even thought I have to work and I am busier now, I still need to find my happy place and some peace and prayer time to keep me centered on God and the higher things in life that are most important. We get so bogged down in all the craziness of this world and rude and crazy people, immature, and even insecure people who like to bring you down. You have to find the peace God gives to you to keep you focused on Him alone. Humans will always disappoint, but God never will. We need to be reminded of this and do the best we can and not let all the crazy stuff of this Earth School world bring us down. I am blessed I have a great spouse, family, profession, job, home, beach, and my faith/religion. I cannot let anyone bring me down with them, if a priest wants to ignore us, or someone at work wants to make your life hard for you, someone is needy and insecure or lazy, you do not need to stoop to their level. Help them learn, but move on and be at peace with God and know where you are going in life. Our ultimate goals is to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ and we cannot let others hold us back from that by coming down to their level. We all have a lot to learn on this Earth School! We must rise and be at peace and strive to know we are going to a higher place soon! So so blessed!
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