Blessed as a Butterfly Toiling with Divinity in Prayer Each Day! Turning My Life Over to God!


Many in the church are toiling like ants to gain this world’s dross, 
but are as idle as a butterfly in regard to divine things. 

⏤ Charles Spurgeon

I saw this quote this morning on my Morning app that I read with my prayers each day online! I thought it was a good reminder for all of us! We all as humans are rushing like ants to accumulate so much stuff from this material world, for what? We want gold, iPhones, money, BMW's, we want all this dross of this world, for what? Yet, we forget about where we are going when we leave this Earth School. We forget that our aim in life, our objective should be to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus! That should be our number one goal here on this Earth School! All we do in life should reflect that goal, no accumulating material goods, dross, carnal desires, and the flesh, we need to follow Jesus, heed His teachings and the commandments of God and live a sound life here on this Earth School so to assure our entrance and acceptance into Heaven. Why do we not make divine  things our priority in this life? Should we? Do you seek God each day? Do you know Him? Pray to Him? Count your blessings? Do you follow Jesus and try to be obedient to His teachings? We are more blessed when we focus on divine things here on this Earth! 
