Blessed That God Keeps Me On His Right Track to Love and Positivity!


Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.

-Proverbs 10:12

I love this Bible verse and prayer that Joel Osteen emailed me today! The prayer is a really nice reminder! We need to stay positive and full of love, We need to forgive and surround ourselves with good positive people and not have strife and discord in our lives. We need to remove all of that and keep things in God's perfect harmony of peace, with no strife, conflict, or hate. We need only love and positivity in our lives, when we find we are around bad company, we need to move on and surround ourselves with only love and positivity. Joel Osteen reminds us of this in his prayer today. I live that he says, "Help me to disconnect from anyone who sows discord and gossip and finds faults." It is so important to surround yourself with love and positivity, we are more blessed when we stay on God's track of love! 

A Prayer for Today from Joel Osteen

“Father, thank You for loving me, forgiving me, and approving me just as I am. I ask You for the love that covers others’ offenses and weaknesses so I can honor You in everything I do. Help me to disconnect from anyone who sows discord and gossip and finds faults. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

You can receive your own free prayers from Joel Osteen if you go to his website. What a blessing! 
