Blessed to Have His God-Breathed Holy Spirit to Help Me Be the Best Person Possible!

All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]

-2 Timothy 3:16

I love this Bible verse from today. I was reading it in the book by Dodie Osteen, Choosing Life One Day at a Time! I love reading the Bible and so many verses resonate with me. This one did. God speaks to all of us. He breathed His life into us and continues to guide us, He even inspires us to write and share Christian values and ideas with others. I often times feel so inspired by God in my own writings. God is always guiding us and correcting us! Do you want to live in conformity with God? That is what He wants us to do! I try and stay in peace and prayer daily. I love my church and faith and want to work toward being a better person always! God's teachings, commandments, His God Breathed words in the Bible have power! They bring blessings! They come from God and can change your life! We all can be inspirations for others by who we are! When we follow and live our lives using the Bible, helps us to be on the right journey to a blessed and peaceful life! Knowing it is God's will be done and so much more! So God blessed with His inspiration and existence in my life! 
