Blessed to Never Be Despised or Rejected by God!


Jesus never rejects anyone! God just never will! He loves us so much! He is not a hypocrite like the pharisees are, even priests judge and ignore you, treat you as less. Jesus never rejects anyone who comes to Him, although Father Matt will! I love the writings from Isaiah! Some of the best from the Old Testament! God is so great! He made us! He loves us! He can only love us like He can since He made us who we are. We may be the Lazarus' or the marginalized people of the church and people of the world, nonetheless God loves us just the same. He teaches a lot of us many lessons in life! He often uses His own children to teach lessons to others, even the pharisees and priests. It is amazing today to see people who go to church, yet at church they judge others, will not acknowledge or give you peace, they reject you, give you dirty looks despise you in a church of God and say they are Christians and Catholics, yet persecute and judge you, treating you poorly based on what they judge you to be. We see this all the time, this hypocrisy, yet they keep going to church hating. All we can do is forgive them. Love them like God and Jesus, that is all we can do and know that Gove loves us, he will never reject us, nor despise us even when humans will! Keep in faith! Know God loves you! He will never despise or reject you, know His blessings are always with you! We will always be healed and redeemed through Jesus Christ! 
