Blessed When We All Work in the Church to Become Saints, Helping One Another!


He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. 

- Ephesians 4:11

This was on my Mornings with God app today:

“To each one his work.” Some are apostles, some evangelists, some pastors, some teachers, and some helpers only in small ways. But every Christian has something to do.

If the smallest wheel in a watch fails to do its part, the watch stops. If the least Christian in a church neglects his duty, the whole church suffers. No one should ever say, “My little work will not be missed, I am so small and weak.” No one is unimportant.

The purpose of the Church is the perfecting of the saints. We all begin as little children – only babies – but we are not to continue infants.

It is a sad home in which the baby never grows, and at four or five years of age is a baby still. Yet there are Christians four or five years old who are no farther on than when they were born. The work of the Church is to stimulate the growth of each Christian and develop and train him so that he will attain “unto a full–grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

I thought it was interesting in that we all have a role to play in the church and our faith. Sometimes we have to correct or point out to others bad things they do, or the mediocrity or hypocrisy of it all. Sometimes even our priests and church leaders disappoint and we need to show them why and how important it is for them to model Christ and not be indifferent. We all need to be loving and kind, as Christ-like as we can be to one another within this shared community church we live in and go to. We all want to be saints, we all want to get better and be the best we can be, so sometimes, we need to point out to others when they are not acting like Christ. We all as Christians have something to do! Blessed for that in making us all saints!
