Blessed When We Guard What Comes Out of Our Mouths!


I love this Bible verse about controlling your tongue. I think it is so true. Watch what you say! Sometimes be careful to speak at all, sometimes silence is better than any words at all. It is better to always use sweet words than to swallow your bitter ones that can hurt others. I love this Proverbs verse. Proverbs have a lot of good verses of wisdom for all of us to keep in mind. This is a really good one to always keep in mind. I am learning as I age, to stay silent more, I do not need to elevate my ego at all, so it is better to stay silent. We can ruin a lot by opening our mouths and saying things we may regret or feel silly saying after the facts. Like they say, a shut mouth gathers no foot! No foot in the mouth. So be careful. We are more blessed when we guard our tongues! Guard your soul!
