Blessed with the Peace of God! Fixing My Thoughts Only on Jesus!


For He Himself is our peace...

-Ephesians 2:14

Therefore... fix your thoughts on Jesus. 

-Hebrews 3:1

I love these Bible verses today in my book, Dear Jesus, by Sarah Young. It is so true! God alone is our peace! We need to keep our eyes and thoughts fixed on Jesus Christ only! Do not let things of this world get to you! We will always have problems in life, but we need to not allow them to be our focus or worry! All we ever need to do is to cry out in the name of Jesus to help us and He will! We often let things of this world get to us, people, jobs, circumstances, bad governments and elected, so much can bring us down, but when we find refuge in God and have our thoughts stay fixed on Jesus Christ, then we can get through anything and will have peace. We cannot let people and things of this world steal our joy! Know where you are going, what your main objective in life is, to spend eternity in Heaven with God, you can have peace here on Earth too, when you find refuge in God alone! We are more blessed when we find peace in God alone and keep our thoughts fixed on Him! 
