We Are More Blessed When We Turn to Jesus!


We all need to turn to Jesus! I see these signs all over this county. People have them all over the place. I love seeing them. I have seen them since I moved here over a year ago! What a blessing! I echo and agree with this statement! We all need to turn to Jesus! If we want to live our best life, we cannot do it without Jesus Christ! We need God in our lives. God wants us to be part of Him. We really do need to turn to Jesus! He is our hope, faith, and trust, our Savior! I took this picture on my way to the beach today. I love seeing these signs! I often wonder if others do too! If these signs help people and give people hope, draw them closer to Him? I hope so. All I know is I do not know what my life would be like today if I have not had Jesus with me all these years. He has helped me so much and continues to do so. I feel blessed my parents raised us Catholic and Christian and brought us to church each week and had us be very involved in our faith! I only hope the same for all other human beings. I pray God continues to help all of us turn to Him and may we all try to become more like Jesus as we live our lives on this Earth School! 
