Beach Blessed Each Day Gets Better and So Much Peace!


Each day this week the beach got better. Today was much calmer and more swimmable! So nice to enjoy! So much peace and great days for peace, prayer, and reflection. I so love my beach time each day! Work can be bothersome with the poor leadership we have and all the meetings, I love the other aspects of my job if it weren't for all the meetings and bad leaders who bring it down. I try to focus on my teaching and writing which I love. I am asking God and praying a lot for discernment and help with my retirement plans, thinking about retiring soon after working for 35 years in education. It has been a great profession, I have learned a lot. Especially about all the ambitious and poor leaders, always the worst teachers and researchers rise to those powers that be, but that is the reason education is so bad today, we have a lot of bad leaders today in society, work, government, and business, always the worst, self serving, greedy, and usually very incompetent unfortunately. Anyway, I have been learning to realize we are not of this world, all these Earth matters, so many try to get so many titles, make so much money, run over anyone, deceive, cheat, steal, all for what? To gain the whole world to lose your soul? Not for me! I want to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ, nothing of this world appeals to me as much anymore as it did when I was younger. I just want to live a simple, humble, poor, and blessed life filled with the Holy Spirit being more like Jesus Christ and living for Him alone! The beach and my thought and reflection help me a lot! Thankful for that and the beach God made for us to enjoy on this Earth School! 
