Blessed By Prayer and Knowing God Who Brings So Much Peace!

Prayer is the nearest approach to God and the highest enjoyment of Him, 
that we are capable of in this life. 

⏤ William Law

Wow! What a powerful statement! So so true too! We need to pray! We need to approach God, He wants to know us and love us! Today many do not want to talk about prayer, religion, or God. They push it away or say they are turned off by it. So many today avoid God and try to live a life without Him. But we need Him! We need to pray and to know God! We all need to live a better life, more prayerful, following His commandments, obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ. God loves when we come to Him in prayer! He loves us so much!  We are more blessed as humans here on Earth when we pray and make God the biggest part of our lives! 
