Blessed Praying to God with a Holy and Happy Life!
He who has learned to pray, has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life.
⏤ William Law
I really like this quote! What a blessing and so true! We need to learn to pray to God and pray all the time, each day, pray with formal prayers, informal prayers, rosaries, music and song, pray and pray! When we turn it all over to God, let His will be done, let Him lead you, instruct you, guide you, know that His will be done in your life is best for you! We can be happier and holier when we pray to God, know Him, listen to Him, let Him guide you! That is all we can do in these times with the crazy world we live in. Trust only in God, not humans, don't let them disappoint you or hurt you. Know that God will be there for you, put all your faith in Him alone! Don't let things of this world scare you or upset or worry you. Trust in the Lord, pray pray pray, it really is the great blessing and secret to a holy and happy life here on this Earth School!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love