Blessed to Be on God's Path, Walking Only With Jesus!
I like this quote today in my book, God's Little Instruction Book. We need to stay on the path of Jesus Christ, be with God, centered and focused only on Him, maintaining His Holy Spirit in us at all times. We must follow Jesus. Live by His teachings and the Ten Commandments. We are more blessed when we stay on the right path in life, the path of following Jesus Christ and doing His will, allowing Him to direct our steps and knowing that when we trust and put all our faith in the Lord we will be made in Christ entrusting ourselves to Him. Two wrongs do not make a right. Just because someone cuts you off or mistreats you and is nasty, do not be the same way, be Christ-like always. When things go wrong, don't go wrong with them. We all can learn a lot from Jesus and the Bible to better live more blessed lives!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love