Blessed to Not Be Selling My Soul to The Devil or Going After Things of This World! Living Only for God!


For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose 
his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 

⏤ Matthew 16:26 

Well this Bible verse says it all! What would we profit as human beings if we try to gain the whole world, but lose our souls to satan? We see so many people today, almost all elected, our government, and so called leaders selling out for worldly profit, losing their souls to Lucifer and not realizing where they will go in the end. I know that I make my first main objective in life to live an upright and holy, godly life following God's commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ. I want to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Nothing in this world, Earth School, matters, we are going home to be back with our maker and God, that is what is important, that is why we should not lose our souls for anything of this Earthly world. Try to tell the elected this! It is so sad to see in our society today. Don't fall for their lies, deceit, and deception, they lie, they mislead, they want you to also become the devils slaves, don't fall for it and become a slave of the devil. Instead, live a good and holy life so to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Your soul matters to God! Money, material things, and carnal desires and seeking such are not what we are put here on this Earth School to obtain. We are more blessed when we save our souls for Jesus Christ in Heaven! 
