Miracles of Jesus Continue Today!


This beginning of miracles did Jesus,... and manifested forth His glory. 

- John 2:11

The Mornings With God app had a nice Bible verse and write up today to remind us of the miracles of Jesus! And these miracles continue today! Turn to Him! Trust in Him! He will bring miracles to your life! I am so blessed! Today in the app reading it said, " It is said that in doing this beginning of His signs, Jesus “manifested” His glory. The glory was there before, the power to the great things, but not till now was it revealed, manifested, put forth. It is said that He “manifested His Glory.” Glory means power, brightness. This glory seems here to have been only simple kindness. A host, in the midst of his wedding feast, discovered that the wine had run out. We can imagine his dismay and his embarrassment. How could he explain it to his guests? No man wants to seem mean on the occasion of his wedding. Then Jesus came to His friend’s relief and used His “glory,” His divine power, to change the water into wine."  The glory of Christ was shown as truly in the smallest words of comfort, in taking little children in His arms and blessing them, as it was in His raising the widow’s son or Lazarus. So we show just as much love in doing the commonest kindness as if we were to do some great things, Jesus continues all these same miracles today in our lives. All we need to do is look for them and believe in them! Mike Lindell can tell you of many miracles in his life. I know I can too! The Bible shows so many of the miracles of Jesus Christ. I have listed some below, one website lists 37 of them. Jesus continues to perform miracles! Never stop believing! 
