Blessed by a Gracious and Merciful God, Trying to Also Do My Discipleship for Him Always!


If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? 

⏤ Matthew 7:11 (KJV)

To pray is to desire; but it is to desire what God would have us desire. 

⏤ Francois Fenelon

Mornings with God App today had a nice prayer and writeup to share. I so agree with all of this. They said, " O God, who has taught us to make supplications, prayers, and intercessions for all men — we beseech You to hear us, and to receive these our prayers which we humbly offer to Your divine Majesty, in the name of Jesus Christ. Remember in Your mercy all men whom You have made to dwell upon all the face of the earth. Deliver them from the manifold evils and miseries by which so many of them are oppressed. Deliver them especially from idolatry, from ignorance and superstition, from error and unbelief, and from the chains of sin. Send abroad Your gospel, until every nation under Heaven shall hear its joyful proclamation. Bless all missionaries and all societies whose purpose it is to promote the gospel. Hasten the coming of Your kingdom among the nations, and bring all Your lost sheep into the fold of the Good Shepherd. Remember also, all Your people in Christian lands. You have purchased Your church with Your own blood. We beseech You to bless all who own Your name and call upon You in prayer. Give to Your church more of Your life and of Your Spirit. Endue Your ministering servants with all spiritual gifts and graces. Remember all who are in any trouble. Help the weak, and make them strong in spirit. Lift up all who have fallen. Confirm those who are faltering, ready to sink down in discouragement. Let a special blessing be upon Your children. They never can find the way home themselves; You must show them the way. Grant that the whole company of Your people may ever keep the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of peace, to the glory of Your holy name. Amen."

What a nice prayer and it is so so true! 

In recent years we have seen all sides of politics, all levels of our government, the elected, and so-called leaders in our country and society as a whole all decline in the USA. Mediocrity or less than, is the norm by our elected and people in charge, powers that be. The majority of elected are self-serving, selfish, greedy, corrupt, and stoop to the level of fraud to advance themselves, putting themselves, and their interests over the people and country or community they represent. We see this in local government all the way up to the White House. The majority of people who seek positions of power and elected are almost always people of bad character who are greedy, power hungry, selfish, and self-serving. They care more about the title, power, and big salary they will make, not the people they are supposed to represent. It is sad to see. The oddest part of it all is they do not even care about the reputation they are making for themselves or feel embarrassed, today most people have no respect for any elected official and many see most as almost criminals. So many have done such bad things, it is all about money, they will sell their souls for money, power, and do not care if they abuse their constituents or sell out their own country for all the money in China. The devil is lurking, and they have all become slaves of Satan. Today most Americans do not trust their government, elected, our elections, or the powers that be. It is sad that we are living in such broken times. We just need to remember not to despair, never put any of them on a pedestal, only God, He is our Savior and Redeemer, our King and the one that will get us through these challenging times. It is going to take great faith from all believers to overcome all this evil today!  
