Blessed to Come from Excellent Parents, Grandparents, and a nice Lineage of Christianity!

The unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice. 

- 2 Tim 1:5

The Mornings with God app had a nice prayer and write-up today and I wanted to share it. I was blessed to grow up in a good family, we went to church, my parents were great role models, we have a long lineage of Christian and Catholic faith, the cemetery shows that. In the app it says, "There is something in genealogy, after all. It is a fine thing for a young man to have had a good mother and a godly grandmother. This does not mean that a man is necessarily good because of the faith that dwelt in his grandmother and his own mother. Goodness cannot be passed down like an estate. Some very bad men have had most pious ancestry. At the same time, it is fitting when in successive generations piety is found. A young man with worthy ancestors owes it to them to be worthy. He should keep unspotted the white name he receives. We are responsible for the carrying on of the work which they have begun. Paul was persuaded that the faith of his grandmother and mother was also in Timothy. It should always be so with young people with Christian parents. Those who have a noble inheritance, of memories, influences and teachings, should be better than those who have not had these blessings." I am so thankful for my parents, siblings, family, and forefathers and lineage. God has been so good to us. Joel Osteen always talks about from generation to generation family and actions matter. I never knew my two grandmothers, both Margaret's, but I did know my great grandmother, Bertha, my mother's grandmother who used to knit us mittens each Christmas. All were good Christian people as my parents were too, What a blessing!  Thank God for all His blessings in my life! 
