Blessed to Know We Are Going to a Better Place After this Earth School: Home to Heaven!


The beginning of the way to Heaven is to feel that we are on the way to Hell. 

⏤ J.C. Ryle

While our Earth School may feel like hell sometimes, it is a learning experience for us getting us ready for Heaven, helping us and challenging us to be better people, preparing us to get into Heaven! We often do not like it, we get frustrated, upset by people and bad things they do, by our governments and the injustice, for all the greed, corruption, and mediocrity, it can all get on our nerves, but focus on God, find refuge in Him alone. Do not let things below Heaven get to your heart. We need to live by God's commandments, and the teachings of Jesus Christ and just be people of good will. Humans will always disappoint, God never will. Trust in Him! Let your faith remind you what is most important in life, to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ! 
