Blessed When We Store Up and Conserve Knowledge and Be Careful of a Foolish Mouth!


Wise people store up knowledge, But with the mouth of the foolish, ruin is at hand.

-Proverbs 10:14

I have seen this Bible verse before, and seen several variations of it. I do think it is so true. We need to be wise, not be so quick to speak, to say something bad or wrong, conserve our tongue, show some wisdom and constraint. We need to remember that, “loose lips sink ships." This proverb is not about only about obtaining knowledge and wisdom, but is also about conserving knowledge and using constraint when we speak and act. Sometimes they also say be careful to use words that are bitter in case you have to eat them yourself. We really need to be careful when we speak and how we act. A wise person watches how he speaks so to not be foolish and hurtful. We are more blessed then. The book of Proverbs has many very wise words of advice to live by, if we all followed a lot from Proverbs and the Bible as the whole, our world and its people would be better off. We are not off this world, we are only on this Earth School for a short time. Our home is in Heaven with Jesus Christ and we will go back there to spend eternity with Him. While here we are more wise to also follow all of God's commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ, then we will ensure our easy return to Heaven with our Lord!  The flowers in the photos above are peonies, one of my favorites, my mom used to have many bushes of these all around her house in three different colors. Another blessing! 
