Living for The Lord Alone, Making the Best of My Time, Our Days and Time our Evil, Be Redeeming of the Time the Lord Grants You!

Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

-Ephesians 5:16

Evil is all around us. The devil is lurking! The devil is a liar! He is deceptive. We see it daily, our own government and elected lie and cheat, they want us all to submit to them. Don't do it! God is the only one we need to honor and exalt to! He is our King and Savior! Not humans, not governments, not the deep state or powers that be, they are evil, pure evil, they have all become slaves to satan, they only care about their own power, control, money, selfishness, and self-serving ways. We cannot trust anyone, but God! He will never lie! You are wise only in living by the ways of the Lord. We need to use the best use of our time while on this Earth School, make the best of each opportunity to live by God's ways alone. Evil is lurking, we see it each day, especially by our government, media, social media, and powers that be today in our world. Don't be deceived by the devil, he is lurking, maybe as the anti-christ,, if you are close to the Bible, you will know. Use your time wisely! I saw this Bible verse today in one of my prayer books and it really resonated with me. Time is more valuable than money as time is irreplaceable. Us your time wisely and be careful not to fall for the devil and become his servant! 
