More Beach Peace Today, So So Grateful!


What a beach day for peace! Said all my prayers, so so nice! So grateful to God! Praying for all the faithful at the Milagrosa in Cali, Colombia, I have never seen a church with so many faithful believers with such faith in God! I love seeing them all on Tuesdays in Cali. My spouse is from Cali, so nice, so many beautiful churches. I pray for them each week, especially Mondays and Tuesdays. I am grateful for all the peace and time to pray and be with the Lord. Another day of blessings from my God. The beach for me is a glimpse of Heaven for me. There is a new song that says Christmas is also a glimpse of Heaven. I love going to the beach each day, I feel so close to Heaven and God, love my prayer time.  Thank you God for this day! 


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