A Miracle for Dodie Osteen, Her Book is A Daily Read of Prayer and Power! Choosing Life One Day at a Time!


Since this website/blog is about miracles from God, I wanted to share again about Dodie Osteen and her miracle how God saved her from dying of cancer more than 40+ years ago! A very incredible story, and she is still alive today. She also wrote a book about it called, Healed of Cancer, I bought this book and have it too and read it, it is amazing! Her faith and prayers got her through this, her positive attitude, her trust in the Lord. I love this daily devotional I read each day, it has a nice Bible verse, write-up, and prayer for each day of the year. I have been reading it for years, each day, I love it! So inspiring.  A Bible verse a day, the write-up and prayer are so nice too. I highly recommend it. God is performing miracles each day! He saved me from death. He is healing and curing me and my spouse, making us healthy each day. He is doing so much, you can read about it in so many places. I am a fan of Joel Osteen too, I have read many of his books and try to watch his church show each week on TV. They have done so much in this world to provide: hope, encouragement, and inspiration to others in a positive and non-judging way. I applaud them for this. I will continue to read Dodie's book in 2023 and beyond and feel blessed to know about and share another miracle from God here on this website for others! Keep the faith in 2023! Know that God has this, just put all your trust in Him, His will be done! 
