Blessed By Two Rainbows at the Beach Today and A Reminder of God's Covenant with Us!
It was rainy, cloudy, almost some drizzle, but actually nice and I did enjoy the water! Plus I saw two rainbows while at the beach today! Rainbows remind me of God and His covenant with us about floods and promises He makes to us! He promises a lot! He is a good God and does so much for us! We can always trust in Him, I try to always have faith and live in Spirit the best I can. It is not always easy, but it is my goal. When I see rainbows like this it reminds me of all God promises in the Bible! He sure does give a lot of advice and counsel. What a blessing! I got to enjoy the beach today, although it was cloudy, cooler, and not much sun. But it really never rained while I was down at the beach! I said all my prayers. I pray on Tuesdays for all the people of goodwill at the Milagrosa Church in Cali, Colombia who have so much faith at that church! It impresses me always! We just need to have faith! We need to trust in the Lord, we need to live with His Holy Spirit within, following His Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ! That is all we can do is our best and know that God has this. Let go and let God, that is all we can do. He is in control!
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