Blessed When We are Not Driven By Envy and Greed, Things of This World are Not What is Important!

"The world is not driven by greed; it’s driven by envy. So the fact that everybody’s five times better off than they used to be, they take that for granted. That’s why God came down and told Moses that he couldn’t envy his neighbor’s wife or even his donkey."

-Charlie Munger 

What a quote and message here! All these quotes have a theme! Greed and envy, mediocrity too! We are destroying our countries and world as a whole because of it all! So sad for humanity. Charles Swindoll and Billy Graham are right too! People just keep wanting more, wanting things of others, comparing themselves, and thinking they have a right to other peoples possessions.  I guess the 10 Commandments play a role in all of this, if only we would follow them and the teachings of Jesus Christ. If we would stop thinking material goods and carnal desires are what is important here on Earth. We need to make our primary goal in life, our main objective, our aim, to get into Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus Christ in His kingdom. This is not our home or our world, just an Earth School for learning and preparing for something so much greater! We cannot let things of this world get in the way of hurting our chances of spending eternity in Heaven with God! 
