Focused on the Joys of Heaven Goal and Not of this World!

 Are the pleasures of this world to be valued above the joys of Heaven? 
Are they worth the sufferings of eternal Hell-fire? 

⏤ Richard Baxter

Another fine quote and reminder from Richard Baxter! He has a lot of good quotes about Heaven!  We are only given one life on this Earth School! We need to live it wisely! Making our number one priority and goal in life to get into Heaven by being a person of goodwill while here on this Earth. Living by the commandments of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ!  We can either live selfishly while here, or think of others and our future when we leave this place. We are preparing to get into Heaven! That is our goal and my mission in life! I am focused on the joys of Heaven, this world is not for me!  Nothing below Heaven is worth setting our hearts on! I have seen this to be true and agree so much with Richard Baxter on this one! 
