Following the Path of Jesus Strewed with Thorns on this Earth, But Going in the Direction of Heaven with Him!


Can we wish, if it were possible, to walk in a path strewed 
with flowers when His path was strewed with thorns? 

⏤ John Newton

I saw this quote today on the Mornings with God App, wow! A good reminder for all of us, life is not all roses! Even God coming as a baby and man had a tough life here, look how that ended. We all have our cross and thorns to deal with in life like Christ. Life is not easy. Harder for some than others. We need to have a good attitude. We need to stay Christ-centered and follow Him. Life is not easy! It was not easy for Jesus either. We are going to a better place when we leave here if we stay on that track of being a person of goodwill, following the teachings of Jesus and the 10 Commandments. God never promised it would be easy. It wasn't for the Jewish people in the Old Testament either. He does promise us Heaven though, He died for our sins, we just need to repent, be born again, be baptized in His Holy Spirit and stay upright and holy the best we can. Face your thorns, do the best you can, Heaven is at hand with Jesus Christ if we stay on the straight and narrow path to Christ! 
