Holding My Peace Like Jesus, Silence is Power from God! Only Truth Matters!

Jesus held His peace. 

- Matt 26:63

My Mornings with God App had a nice Bible verse and write-up today. I so agree with it. I often feel the same way. People do not like me or are against me, even if they do not like me, or if they just look at me or see me with my spouse or when I speak. They judge and hate even though they have nothing against me. They don't even know me. The Mornings App said, "The striking thing about the trial of Jesus was that His enemies could find nothing against Him. It is worth our while, too, to notice how Jesus answered the calumnies and false witnessings – He was silent to all the charges. It is well we should remember how our Master bore Himself when He was wronged. We should not vex ourselves over unkind treatment from others. It is a great lesson, to learn to be silent under injury. We talk altogether too much. Yet there come times when we must speak, when it would be treason to truth to remain silent. Jesus answered not a word before His accusers, until the high priest adjured Him to say whether He was the Messiah or not. At once He broke silence. We must never be silent when the interests of right and truth demand that we speak. The saddest thing in all that night to Jesus was the denial by His greatest apostle. We give Him joy by being faithful and true to Him; we grieve Him by every act or word or thought of disloyalty." What others think of you is not as important as what God things of you, He knows our hearts and we need to live for Him and only please Him, He favors us, He made us, He loves us, He is all that matters, not other people or haters or judgers. We need to hold our peace, remain silent, speak only when we need to, and act, be people of honor and goodwill, following Jesus the best we can. That is all we can do! 
