Letting God Arise! He Continues to Bless Nonstop!


Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

-Psalm 68:1

God is bigger than any problem you can be faced with! Joel Osteen had a nice Bible verse, write-up, and prayer today reminding us that God is larger than any problems we can be up against. What a blessing! Joel said that, in today’s Scripture above, "“let” means you have to allow God to arise in your thoughts. When you let God arise, you make Him bigger than your problems, bigger than any sickness, bigger than financial troubles. You focus on His greatness. You think about His power. You talk about how He’s brought you through in the past. You go around bragging on what He’s done and declaring His promises. The bigger you make God, the smaller your problems become, and the more faith will rise in your heart. The enemy is always trying to get us to let the problem arise. That’s why it’s so important to keep a song of praise in your heart all through the day. Instead of worrying, thinking about all the things that are wrong and what might not work out, turn all that worry time into worship time. That’s not just being positive, that’s letting God arise. That’s what allows the most powerful force in the universe to go to work on your behalf." Praise God, give it all to Him, He is bigger than any problems you may have, He will get you through anything! What a blessing! He is protecting us against all evil in this world!  We need to stay away from haters and wicked people who do evil, let God take care of them, no need to be vengeful or try to handle people, God has got this! We have the best God, He is greater than! We just need to let God arise! He has this! 

A Prayer for Today from Joel Osteen

“Father, thank You that Your greatness, power, and glory are all beyond my imagining. Thank You that my greatest problem is dwarfed by Your greatness and Your promises meet all my needs. I declare that I will worship You and let You arise in my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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