Miracles of Mary with Her Apparitions in the World, Such a Blessing! A Powerful Prayer!



Mary came in 2012, 2015, and 2018 as an apparition in Medjugorje and spoke of three types of prayers that are important in our lives: 

1. Pray to the Holy Spirit for love, humility, grace, and mercy.

2. Pray to the Holy Spirit as it will transform and protect you against all wicked and evil in this world, maintain your faith against all evil of this wicked world.

3. Prayers to the Holy Spirit will help you and lead you to be on a road of conversion to Jesus Christ and Christianity, bringing you closer to God and ready for Heaven. 

Mary says for us to read the Holy Scriptures and we are called to holiness and to be in Heaven and must make this our mission in life. 

It is so fascinating that there have been so many apparitions of Mary, like in Lourdes, Fatima, Mexico by the Virgin of Guadalupe, and in Medjugorje, and so many other places. Miracles from God with profound messages for us to live by and to prepare for what is to come. Mary was another one who always said to God, may your will be done with me, she brought in baby Jesus, God in human form, brought us Him on this Earth to live with His people, to be an example, and to then die for our sins. All a miracle! Pray to Mary! She is such a powerful advocate for all of us in these troubled times. Believe in Mary, believe in God, believe in Jesus, and miracles will be all around you! 
