Taking the Path of Jesus Christ!


Jesus is the only path to take in life! He is the only way! We all have choices in life. Jesus is the best choice, He is a narrow path, hard to follow, a lot of responsibility, hard to be upright, but what we all need to do and follow. Many people want the easy road, the one that does not require hard work, restraint, prayer, dedication, and real effort. Drugs, alcohol, cheating, kissing up, fraud, greedy, corrupt, mediocre, we can all follow that and be bad wicked evil people, doing the right thing, following God's 10 Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ, that path is narrow, hard to go through, very hard to follow and stay on, but that is the only right path we all need to stay on if we want to get to Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus Christ there. It is not going to be easy this Earth School. But it will make all the difference. Robert Frost knew this and I am sure got this from the Bible. We must follow Jesus Christ if we are going to live a life of dignity and godliness, being upright, humble, and Christ-like. That is really all that matters. Which road or path will you follow? 
