The Cokeville Miracle: The Miracles of God are all Around Us!


The Cokeville Miracle Movie on GodTube

This website is about miracles! I saw this movie last night,  The Cokeville Miracle, it is based on a true story and it is filled with miracles from God!  So many miracles! It is hard to watch, violence and terror never is nice to see, but God was watching out for these young people and teachers at the school, saving them from death. They saw angels, they prayed, they saw evil, the devil at work, but God protected them and lead them to safety and showed His work in it all. I had never heard about this story before, it happened many years ago, it is hard to watch, but seeing all the miracles at the end and people coming closer to God because of it was worth the tension. What a blessing God is to us here on Earth when humans fall and become slaves to satan, God is there, He will keep us safe. He will protect us! He sends angels! We do not need to fear. God is with us! The miracles from God are abound! 


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