Wanting to Be a Good Christian, To Live Well, To Get Into Heaven as This Earth School Seems a Lot Like Hell Sometimes!
Christian! Consider that the trials and troubles, the calamities and miseries, the crosses and losses that you meet with in this world, are all the Hell that ever you shall have!
⏤ Thomas Brooks
What a quote! So true, some of the problems on this Earth School may be the hell and we do not want to continue or go there once we leave this Earth School. We need to repent! We need to sin no more! We need to be better people, people of goodwill! We need to follow the commandments of God and the teachings of Jesus! While life on this Earth School is not easy and may seem like hell, it is likely a lot worse if we chose to live poorly while here. Do we want to spend our after life on this Earth School in Heaven or in hell? Hopefully, we learn from all here so to be good people, God people, and work toward getting into Heaven when we leave this Earth School!
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