Blessed this Epiphany with Travel, Love, and Family Time Off From Work and Worry!


Happy Three Kings Day! The Wise Men! The Magi! The Epiphany!  They have come to worship baby Jesus, like I do each day! He is my King and Savior! Today is also my spouses birthday, 60 years young! We took a nice trip for a few days up to St. Augustine! It was a nice easy, short, and good trip. We stay in a hotel on the beach and close to downtown and explored so much! I loved all the history, architecture, and sites! Especially the churches and Spanish stuff. This is the oldest city in the USA, established in 1565! Very old! It was interesting to see so many sites, the Spanish San Marcos Castillo Fort with a mote and all. So much charm here, very touristy. Too many people. The historic city is nice, but overall this area is dump outside the little city area and the beaches were not nice, like we are used to down south. Not maintained well for the most part. We were blessed to get away for a few days.  To sightsee, to visit my old friend Julie from work who had a stroke, and to get some R&R. Overall, very nice and a blessing. Next week we both have to go back to work. We have had a nice 12 days of Christmas and wonderful holidays together. God is so good to us! We are blessed! 
