Blessed to have the DNA of God, A Prince of the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ!


And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

-2 Peter 1:4

God is so good to us! The Good Seeds he gives and plants are so wonderful. The email Bible verse, write-up, and prayer by Joel Osteen reminded me of this today. It was a very nice reminder of the goodness of our Lord and Savior! We are special and God is so good to us!  No matter how others treat us, if poorly or take advantage of us, or hurt us.  God is looking out for us always.  Joel in his email prayer reminder us that, "life tries to convince us that there’s nothing special about us. We have too many obstacles and have made too many mistakes to ever leave our mark. But we don’t realize who we are. Today’s Scripture says that God has enabled us to share His nature, that we are His offspring. As a child of Almighty God, you have His spiritual DNA. In your seed is favor, creativity, courage, and new levels. You can’t share in God’s DNA and just be average. That seed will override challenges and propel you where you can’t go on your own. If you’re going to reach your potential, you have to know you are good seed. You have purpose, destiny, and greatness. You may have made mistakes and come from negative circumstances, but that doesn’t change your seed. Don’t let how you were raised, what you didn’t get, or any dysfunction convince you that you’re not up to par, that you can’t do something great. Because you’re good seed, you’re still going to shine, you’re still going to blossom." We need to learn to bloom where we are planted! Count our blessings, give thanks to God and realize He is in control and is looking out for us and taking care of us, we have His DNA, we are royalty, princes and princesses of the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ! We are so blessed! His promises are real! Thank you God! 

A Prayer for Today by Joel Osteen
“Father, thank You for the great and precious promises You have given me that enable me to share in Your life and nature. Thank You that I have Your spiritual DNA inside. I declare that I am good seed and I am going to blossom into my full potential. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
