Blessed When We Follow God, Humans Lie, God and the Bible Don't, Trust Only in Him!

 According to the men of the world, few are going to Hell. According to the Bible, few are going to Heaven. 

⏤ J.C. Ryle

Don't listen to humans! Men lie like it says in the Bible. Trust and believe in God and the Bible only! Men will make you believe anything just so to enslave you! To steal your soul! Look what all the so called leaders, elected, and governments have done to people around the world. Most are complete slaves to Lucifer today. It seems like it is only getting worse sometimes. They lie so much! They have so many people snowed! I will side with God and the Bible, I will listen to and follow the teachings of Jesus! They are the same people who killed Jesus, they are competing for us, I will go with Jesus! I want to go to Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus there, this is not my home! We go to church, try to be good people, stay away from negative and hateful people, focus on God, finding refuge in Him and His commandments and teaching, being people of goodwill the best we can, Even sometimes many of the clothe lie or betray or deny you, we have had that experience, people who represent God, that is why we need to trust in God alone and the Bible and His teachings, that is all we can do, do as much as we can to ensure we go Home, to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus Christ! 
