Embracing Jesus Christ, His Cross, and Mine, Knowing I am Following Him to Spend Eternity with Him in Heaven!


Look to the cross, think of the cross, meditate on the cross and 
then go and set your affections on the world if you can! 

⏤ J.C. Ryle

Look what the people of this world did to Jesus Christ, put Him on a cross! This broken world and Jesus are both in competition for our souls! Who will you trust? Who will you follow? Who will you turn to? Humans who lie, cheat, steal, deceive, and kill others? I trust Jesus over this world and the people in it who do so much bad to others. They have no faith, no trust in God, they question Him and even crucified Him when He came in human form. We are blessed when we embrace the cross and Jesus Christ over the humans that crucified Him, if they do that to Him, what can they do to us? Side with Jesus Christ always, follow Him, embrace His cross and your cross here on this Earth School and know you are going to a better place with Him for eternity in Heaven! 
